Monday, April 29, 2013

In the beginning

My name is Blair. I am a mother of two girls and am married to a wonderful man. I have great friends and family - Pretty much everything a girl could ask for, right? Except for one thing... I have struggled with my weight almost as long as I can remember. I look back at pictures and wonder how I didn't see that there was nothing to worry about - that I should have enjoyed the time without worrying so much about my weight and still I have always worried. As an adult, I have been every weight between 120 pounds when I had a tape worm and 200 pounds when I was about to give birth. Today, I aim to rest somewhere in the middle. Right now, I am lucky enough to have lost all of my baby weight plus 20 additional pounds and am looking to lose 20 more. I am not a great dieter - I have failed on everything from weight watchers to atkins. I discovered the paleo diet because of a healthy eating movement called the Whole30. On the Whole30 you commit to taking sugar, alcohol, grains, dairy and legumes out of your life for 30 days. Let me tell you - it is not an easy thing to do and without the help of my husband - I would have never made it. Actually, to be 100% honest - I didn't make it. Every week, I allowed myself one meal to go out with friends, eat, drink and generally be merry. Never before had weight loss been so effective for me. In the first 30 days, I lost 9 pounds and since then I have slowly lost another 11. I have gone on dates with my husband, eaten movie popcorn and gone away on a girls weekend and managed to stay the same. I am ready to really follow the whole30/paleo plan for the next few weeks and hopefully lose 10 pounds before summer.